#!/bin/bash # wget -O - https://get.hacs.xyz | bash - function run() { set -e RED_COLOR='\033[0;31m' GREEN_COLOR='\033[0;32m' GREEN_YELLOW='\033[1;33m' NO_COLOR='\033[0m' declare haPath declare -a paths=( "$PWD" "$PWD/config" "/config" "/homeassistant" "$HOME/.homeassistant" "/usr/share/hassio/homeassistant" ) declare currentVersion declare currentYear declare currentMonth declare currentPatch declare targetVersion declare targetYear declare targetMonth declare targetPatch function info () { echo -e "${GREEN_COLOR}INFO: $1${NO_COLOR}";} function warn () { echo -e "${GREEN_YELLOW}WARN: $1${NO_COLOR}";} function error () { echo -e "${RED_COLOR}ERROR: $1${NO_COLOR}"; if [ "$2" != "false" ]; then exit 1;fi; } function checkRequirement () { if [ -z "$(command -v "$1")" ]; then error "'$1' is not installed" fi } checkRequirement "wget" checkRequirement "unzip" info "Trying to find the correct directory..." for path in "${paths[@]}"; do if [ -n "$haPath" ]; then break fi if [ -f "$path/.HA_VERSION" ]; then haPath="$path" fi done if [ -n "$haPath" ]; then info "Found Home Assistant configuration directory at '$haPath'" cd "$haPath" || error "Could not change path to $haPath" if [ ! -d "$haPath/custom_components" ]; then info "Creating custom_components directory..." mkdir "$haPath/custom_components" fi info "Changing to the custom_components directory..." cd "$haPath/custom_components" || error "Could not change path to $haPath/custom_components" info "Downloading HACS" rm -f "$haPath/custom_components/hacs.zip" wget "https://github.com/hacs/integration/releases/latest/download/hacs.zip" if [ -d "$haPath/custom_components/hacs" ]; then warn "HACS directory already exist, cleaning up..." rm -R "$haPath/custom_components/hacs" fi info "Creating HACS directory..." mkdir "$haPath/custom_components/hacs" info "Unpacking HACS..." unzip "$haPath/custom_components/hacs.zip" -d "$haPath/custom_components/hacs" >/dev/null 2>&1 echo info "Verifying versions" targetVersion=$(sed -n -e '/^MINIMUM_HA_VERSION/p' "$haPath/custom_components/hacs/const.py" | cut -d '"' -f 2) currentVersion=$(cat "$haPath/.HA_VERSION") info "Current version is ${currentVersion}, minimum version is ${targetVersion}" targetYear=$(echo "${targetVersion}" | cut -d "." -f 1) currentYear=$(echo "${currentVersion}" | cut -d "." -f 1) if [ "${currentVersion}" == "2023.12.0" ]; then rm -R "$haPath/custom_components/hacs" rm -f "$haPath/custom_components/hacs.zip" error "HACS will not work on version 2023.12.0 of Home Assistant, upgrade to 2023.12.1 (or newer) before re-running this script." fi if [ "${currentYear}" -lt "${targetYear}" ]; then rm -R "$haPath/custom_components/hacs" rm -f "$haPath/custom_components/hacs.zip" error "Version ${currentVersion} is not new enough, needs at least ${targetVersion}" fi if [ "${currentYear}" == "${targetYear}" ]; then targetMonth=$(echo "${targetVersion}" | cut -d "." -f 2) currentMonth=$(echo "${currentVersion}" | cut -d "." -f 2) if [ "${currentMonth}" -lt "${targetMonth}" ]; then rm -R "$haPath/custom_components/hacs" rm -f "$haPath/custom_components/hacs.zip" error "Version ${currentVersion} is not new enough, needs at least ${targetVersion}" fi if [ "${currentMonth}" == "${targetMonth}" ]; then targetPatch=$(echo "${targetVersion}" | cut -d "." -f 3) currentPatch=$(echo "${currentVersion}" | cut -d "." -f 3) if [ "${currentPatch}" -lt "${targetPatch}" ]; then rm -R "$haPath/custom_components/hacs" rm -f "$haPath/custom_components/hacs.zip" error "Version ${currentVersion} is not new enough, needs at least ${targetVersion}" fi fi fi echo info "Removing HACS zip file..." rm -f "$haPath/custom_components/hacs.zip" info "Installation complete." echo info "Remember to restart Home Assistant before you configure it" else echo error "Could not find the directory for Home Assistant" false echo "Manually change the directory to the root of your Home Assistant configuration" echo "With the user that is running Home Assistant" echo "and run the script again" exit 1 fi } run